Sunday, March 25, 2007

Insomnia !

Wake up…


I can't sleep…

You are always awake!

Whatever…! Still resisting?


By the way, I can take control of everything, but I want you to decide.

It's my life and my mind, you'll always live in the shadows.

Arrogance,…extreme unjustified confidence!
You are falling, can't you see?!
I complete you,… I ease your troubles…I know what's best for you…
You can't hide me anymore!

You are evil…You oppose my ethics.

Ethics?!!... *APPLAUSE*
Now you are telling me about ethics Mr. Preacher!
Remember,…your plan,…driven by hate,…ring a bell?!!

You are the cause for what happened,… the chaos,… the whole situation.

PATHETIC,… I do what you cannot do, what you fail to fulfill,… you are just a mask,... you are my cover!
I AM REALITY,…and you are just despicable human weakness…!!

ENOUGH,…I fought and conquered so many times, losing a battle doesn't mean that I lost the war!!

You fought?!!
I tortured you to forge a warrior,…
Mercy is weakness, Ethics will tie you down, and I SHALL RISE WITH OR WITHOUT YOU….

You are the devil,… keep howling and pawing,… you won't take me.

IDIOT,…the devil is weak,…and I am strong and unbeatable,…I am everything you are not,…
I am Vanity,… Wrath,… Envy,… Greed,…
I am the pain in your chest,…I am the bucking in your head,…
You die,…I die,…Seeking salvation?!!


Wake up…


I can't sleep…!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

These are not hallucinations! (part1)

I don't know what happened, I was walking in the middle of the school playground then I found myself sitting next to the school fence and there are complete 15 minutes missing from my memory and…
What is that headache!!


I was crossing the street and I found that bus passing so fast and 2 inches close to me,...I stood still watching another car heading to smash my body...
Why am I not afraid...?!


And so I decided to burn that new pullover, it just seemed to be a little larger than I thought,...
I didn't return it back to the store; I just burnt it...
What's wrong with that, hate means burn!!


I got a cigarette burn in my forehead when I was a kid,...
Will it hurt like it did before?!!


Rocky Balboa,...I know the film wasn't gr8, but I missed the old Rocky and I had to watch him once more,...just for the old times!!


I like pets,...
One day I'm going to have a wolf and an owl,…maybe a tiger if the place fits!!
They never lie,...if they are hungry, they will eat you,...straight and simple!!


Clocks are amazing,...
They tick & tock and tell you that you are not dead!!

Friday, March 02, 2007


اليوم تدق طبول الحرب،
تعلن مقتل..
تعلن صحوة..
أم هى غفوة..
نحو الموت.

اليوم أخوض بحار خيالاتى،
وأصارع أمواج دمائى..
بالأمس كانت تحمل أحلاماً..
صارت أوهاماً وهباء.
بل هى أوتاد..
تنغرس بصدرى،
تقطع.. تدمى،
وجروحى تنزف ذكريات.

اليوم حداد على الأشلاء..
أشلاء كانت كلمات..
وقلوب تنبض بحياة.

اليوم أسير إلى الأعماق،
أعبر جثث الأحلام..
أترانى أكفنها..
أم تكتب يدى..
إعلان وفاة.

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