Wednesday, March 14, 2007

These are not hallucinations! (part1)

I don't know what happened, I was walking in the middle of the school playground then I found myself sitting next to the school fence and there are complete 15 minutes missing from my memory and…
What is that headache!!


I was crossing the street and I found that bus passing so fast and 2 inches close to me,...I stood still watching another car heading to smash my body...
Why am I not afraid...?!


And so I decided to burn that new pullover, it just seemed to be a little larger than I thought,...
I didn't return it back to the store; I just burnt it...
What's wrong with that, hate means burn!!


I got a cigarette burn in my forehead when I was a kid,...
Will it hurt like it did before?!!


Rocky Balboa,...I know the film wasn't gr8, but I missed the old Rocky and I had to watch him once more,...just for the old times!!


I like pets,...
One day I'm going to have a wolf and an owl,…maybe a tiger if the place fits!!
They never lie,...if they are hungry, they will eat you,...straight and simple!!


Clocks are amazing,...
They tick & tock and tell you that you are not dead!!


Blogger Maat said...


i LOVE this one!

the ticking will stop...and you'll find parts of you scattered everywhere after the bomb explosion...

March 15, 2007 at 1:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tick tick tok!!!

know what! such ticking of a clock or a small watch in a silent room.. with a blank mind..and deep deep silence..Drives Me Crazy!!

every tick is with a new thought
thoughts overlap with the ticking
ticking confuses your thoughts
and what will just the tick tick tok

and for sure...these were never hallucinations by any means!

and I wanted to go watch Rocky.. for the sake of the Old days as well..though I know it's not that big success as the previous ones.. but i missed that guy..and the soundtrack :D

March 15, 2007 at 3:18 PM  
Blogger الحمقاء المضلله innominate x said...

ahmed is this you.........if its you then im the warlock's mistress,,,,remember?

March 15, 2007 at 6:30 PM  
Blogger الحمقاء المضلله innominate x said...

Do u still like to draw?

March 15, 2007 at 6:33 PM  
Blogger david santos said...

هذا عمل جيد جدا ، شكرا

March 15, 2007 at 8:17 PM  
Blogger Memo said...

days are just the language of time
You just have to let them pass by and get the best advantage of being alive with sorrow, pain maybe I got the feeling that you are bored from life
I just wanted to tell you so every time i pass by the blog I got the feeling that you are bored
Come on sure you got plenty of aims you want to achieve you can't just be bored all of the time change your life view you are not depressed you are just bored ya l2ima 
I like the post very much but I guess you need a hope some where in your blog. Think of tomorrow , your future and things you still want to do

Great post

March 19, 2007 at 11:19 AM  
Blogger hOby said...

not hallucinations fe3lan!
ya nhar abyad 3al ka2aba!
here i enjoy el mood beta3 el ka2aba bas da exclusive 2 ur blOg bas :)!
bas begad 7elwa awi el wishes beta3tak concerning el pets!
w 3agabny awi en hate means burn... makansh 7ad '3olob :)!

March 20, 2007 at 11:19 AM  
Blogger -_- said...

I broke ma clock !!!

March 24, 2007 at 3:40 PM  
Blogger hurricane_x said...

yeah..I guess so :)
I love bombs :))

yeah, they can drive u crazy, and every tick&tock seems like a bullet in ur head.
so u should go and see that movie, it's not gr8 but it's ROCKY :)

David Santos..
u r from Portugal, and u don't speak arabic, so...!!!
$@~%*&#$ ?!!!

when someone says all that stuff about boredom and depression...I find nothing to say, donno why :))
yeah..some dreams have to be fulfilled!!

gr8 that u enjoy it,..I'm satisfied:)

if it ticks & tocks that way...u should break it!!

April 2, 2007 at 3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

November 11, 2008 at 11:19 AM  

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