Again I'm riding the dark horse,
Running through the labyrinth…
My friends are watching the cat dying…
I can Kill,
But I'm not dead.
I'm lost,
The doors are closed,
The painting on the wall is upside down.
I may smile,
But I can't forget.
The cat is watching my friends dying...
Dragged through the labyrinth I bleed…
The White horse is singing to the snake.
I can Lie,
But I can't betray.
Same paralysis every time,
I can't breathe nor move,
My hands are tied up...
I can't escape,
But I can hide.
Still There ?!!
i may have a totally diferent interpretation for it than the one u had when writing it.. i'll never know, but i really really like it. the development of the lines till the end... the state of.. dream or vision... i especially like the last part
"I can't escape,
But I can hide."
it can be very true hwat u saw, and it can be just ur wild imagination and high sensitivty, both cases i got struck, the words r so real and vived.
i liked the lines in italics, they made alot of sense to me, my kind of simple human philosophy.
if it is true, try reading sorat elmolk just b4 u go to bed, or some tasbee7.
اسم حضرتك مذكور عندي في التاج اللي جالي من انا حرة و انا رديت عليها و بدوري بلففه على الباقي
زوروني تجدوا ما يسركم
i tagged u
well, it wasn't exactly what I dreamt of, in fact I mentioned 30% of the dream, the other part was just...donno..sth!
but I tried to link the words in italic with the other sentences (I mean by adding a clue in each part)
as I said, it wasn't totally a dream..actually I mostly have nightmares and rarely dream regular dreams..!
I hate tags :D
listen, if u dont want to answer this tag , its fine, a friend of mine will pass a very twisted tag with what is so called hopefuly strange questions, if u like to wait thats fine, am tagging u anyway, whether this tag or another one,hehehheeee.
gloomy as ever
have this nightmarish thing goin on
i like it, especially the "i lie, but i cant betray" part.
PS: the server is a real f*** up, i've been tryin to post a comment now for about a whole hour
u owe mem big time partner
rghm eny e7tgt translation lkam word...lol
bs bgd nice post...3gbny awy
i lie
but i cant betray
i imagined it in arabic as well...gamda awy
i may smile
but i can't 4get!
the white horse is singing 2 the snake!
don't know why those 2 sentences acted like the msn nudge with me:)!
bey3gebne 7agat '3er el nas!
bas kal 3ada i liked it awi :)
why not?!
ne2ansar letneen, hwa 2e7na warana 7aga :) weba3deen tag hafsotsha maytfawetsh :D
yeah..it's goin' on and on...
and I owe u more than a big time :)
frozen love..
thx ya za3eem,... and I failed to imagine it in arabic :D
glad u liked it:)
a nudge..! but for how long will we keep smiling,..?
in my case, I can't escape, & I can't hide
a nudge?!
wat a wierd expression!
i meant sth that can shake ur mind may b..
i don know 4 how long will we keep smiling?!
this is the very same THING u wrote about b4.. the undescribable!
p.s: not sure whether 'undescribable' is a correct english word :)
hiding is not necessarily physical..!
u can be seen but u r actually hiding:)
it's weird, but I like it..a nudge!
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