Relief Valve !
1- Don't try to convince me with your bullshit...You know it's nonsense, so don't try to put logic into it.
2- Why get astonished for what a hooker does?...That's her job!
3- I'm dead calm like a rock...So don't insist on talking to me in this phase cause I'm either healing or about to explode.
4- Responsibility isn't pizza, you can't change the ingredients.
6- Define target (if any) before you begin a conversation, so you don't waste my time.
7- Ignorance alone is not a sin...Ignorance + arrogance is!
9- You definitely know the difference between dealing with a cat and dealing with a dog. So how come you deal with all people in the same way.
10- This is reality, so deal with it and stop using "IF" word.
11- Don't blame me for the result… You're the one who gave me all the "givens".
14- When extremely sane people become maniacs, there's definitely something wrong...
"I guess this is pretty obvious."
15- You did a great job, and left me scars that disfigured me for the rest of my life.
every word said from 1 to 11 are the exact same things i'm DIENG to tell....some people.... alot of them actually...
good post... right on time..
that's how a "programmer?" should release his thoughts!
felt like am reading from the black DOS window :)!
straight 2 the point..
i liked no. 7, 9 11 & 13
and special concern about no. 14
"i guess this is pretty obvious" :)
i like them all.. one thing add "pretending to know it all" to ignorance and arrogance and u have a gr8 combo
yeah,any time :)..and u know what?
I guess they should be tied up in a dark place and we broadcast these words to them continuously,..SO THEY CAN UNDERSTAND!!!
7elwa black DOS window de :)
no.14 is my favourite !
yep, I missed the "pretending to know it all"..
so this is my combo message :)
and NOW u're talking
i like that :D really do
bout wat insomniac just said, not a great combo
u'll have a torn up, f***ed up, shot in the head, dead motherf***er
شوف حضرتك
مكسوفة اقلك على حاجة بس صار لازم اقولها
انا من اول ما انت نشرت البتاع ده و انا قريته
و كل يوم ادخل اقراه
الاقي نفسي مش عارف ابعبر عن راي او اعلق
قلت يمكن لو استنيت شوية و غيري علق افهم
لقيت نفس الحاله
الظاهر كلكوا مهندزين في بعض و بتقولوا كلام كبير
انا كنت ادبي و دراستي كلها لغات و فلسفة و ادارة
كلام هبل يعني
بس بجد
في حاجات عجبتني
ساعات بيكون الكلام كويس لدرجة انك متقدرش تعلق باي شئ
تحياتي يا هوريكان
بي اس: انت علقت عندي قلت بانج، يا ترى قصدت ايه؟؟
معلش اختك على قدها شوية
am I really talking ?!!
and yeah, u'll get that!
balash 2eltawado3 dah ya 2ostaza :)
I was just letting out some burden of my chest.
u said "فيا ترى ما هو ات؟؟؟"
I said it's a shot..bang :)
This is reality, so deal with it and stop using "IF" word.
i wish i nice idea...nice post dear friend
u must, else u'll get stuck in the middle of nowhere!
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