My sweet depression!
To my sweet sweet depression..
You've been my friend, my mentor, my inspirer.
How can I live without you ?!
I can't stand losing you,
Don't leave me alone.
I can't stand the emptiness cold and scary..without you.
Yes I can see you, my pallid smile, in my empty eyes, in my dead dreams.
Stay with sickness and in health.
Damn you,... don't ever go away,
Stay with me..
Till you eventually kill me..
Oh my sweet sweet depression...I love you.
so true...
my sweet sweet depression,
i can fel ur warmth flowing through this cold blade tearing my insides...
my sweet sweet depression,
thnx for always being by my side..
my sweet sweet depression,
go the F#$@ away...
well.. u always affect me...
depressive people can not stand being happy.. maybe thats the explaination :)
just try not to be depressive
depression..oh.. what a friend.. i guess we're all stamped with depression!
well.. it doesn't go away..ever
that's gr8..keep away from this damned sweetness :)
actually they can stand being happy, cuz they know they'll always come back to sweet depression again :)
not all of us..
i guess they r the freaky ones :))
couldn't have said it better myself!
3ala ra2y el sede3' : "el3ab". lol.
hmm...well yeah depression is a real inspiration. i like this post ALOT.
be good, do not kill urself!
do u want some more ? :)
I won't kill myself..!
sweet depression will :)
to the point..
and it's exactly what I meant.
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