ثلاث ساعات متواصلة من الشكوى..
ثلاث ساعات متواصلة يتقيأ فى أذنى مشاكله وهمومه..
ثلاث ساعات يملأ رأسى بالمصائب والهموم.
وبالأمس أفرغ صديق آخر جوال همومه وأوساخه فوق رأسى.
وبأمس الأول صب صديق ثالث جام غضبه ولعناته علىّ لأننى لا أسأل عليه فى ضائقته الصحية والنفسية.
ولا ألوم عليهم
ولكن أين أنا من هذا كله؟!
لماذا لا أفرغ ما بعقلى وقلبى ومعدتى عليهم وكأنما وجدت أنا لأنصت فقط ولا أتكلم عن الافكار التى تعفنت برأسى من فرط تكدسها وتعقيدها حتى أصبح من الصعب إخراجها دون أن أخسر الكثير على كافة المستويات.
هل فات الأوان؟.... أظن ذلك.
you got used to not telling, u probably feel better when you dont re-live ur problems through telling them (that's just a stupid guess), so it's ur choice not to tell, that and the fact that u'r probably a more thoughtful person. those "rotten" thoughts inside your head wont necessarily air out when u tell them (if not to the right people), w fel akher (3ashan ana raghaya awy) it's never too late to start telling, u may lose some, it may be difficult at first, but...IF you want to...you still can.
and while u'r at it, stay away from noisy friends when u'r not in the mood....7aram 3alek nafseyetak.
it's a matter of compromising..what i'll gain and lose..
and yeah..the right people "where r they?!!"
but if i decided to tell, i think i won't care much about the loss.
noisy friends.."shooting them will be more efficient!"
may be u hate exposing yourself to people who know u.. or may be ur just not confortable enough..
i hope u vent in any other way
actually it's both
i hope there's another way or else..
too bad my friend, but it's really too late :)
dnt wanna sound so pessimistic, but "elnas betettabba3"..
asdy law 3awedtohom en enta mesh bete7ky that means that u live in a heaven of happiness, wealth and health...
but the poor poor them are just, dah...
wat um i sayin??? law 3ayz 7aga 2olly
they think that u have no troubles at all.. and i know it's too late.
yasalam yawlad, 2eldonya lesa be'7er..kolohom meday2eny ya miss epitaph---> kill'em all plz :)
sa7ee7 lazem motanafas, bas an 3ashan anafes,3ayzly sanateen weshowaya keda!
hehe..i donno..whenever i hear this sentence: " we r all ears", i imagine someone with ears all over his face:))
well, it's a big list !
anyway, don't kill'em fast..
I wanna watch :)
ma3lesh , homma elnas keda.
people thrive for attention, i dont mean all, but a big section does. so they want u to be smothered with thier EVERYDAY life and details, if it comes to u, they r busy, happened alot to me.
put it up here in ur blog, we will listen to u only if u want to speak up.
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