Sunday, January 28, 2007


Again I'm riding the dark horse,
Running through the labyrinth…
My friends are watching the cat dying…

I can Kill,
But I'm not dead.

I'm lost,
The doors are closed,
The painting on the wall is upside down.

I may smile,
But I can't forget.

The cat is watching my friends dying...
Dragged through the labyrinth I bleed…
The White horse is singing to the snake.

I can Lie,
But I can't betray.

Same paralysis every time,
I can't breathe nor move,
My hands are tied up...

I can't escape,
But I can hide.
Still There ?!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

يامسافر وحدك

منتصف الليل،

إضاءة المكتب الخافتة..

ألتمس بعض الدفء من خلال كوب الشاى أمامى..

صوت نجاة ينبعث من المذياع..

يامسافر وحدك

يامسافر وحدك ..وفايتنى

ليه تبعد عنى

ليه تبعد عنى..وتشغلنى

تنساب الكلمات الرقيقة إلى قلبى،

أرتجف للحظة..

أترانى وحدى أتذكر،

أترانى وحدى أستعيد تلك الذكرى،

لماذا يأبى ذلك الجرح ألا يلتئم؟

ودعنى..من غير متسلم

وكفاية قلبى أنا مسلم

يعود صوت نجاة ليداعب عيناى،

يشعرنى بكآبة جو الغرفة..

أنظر خارجاًً لأرى أضواء الشارع الخافتة،

قطرات المطر ملتصقة بزجاج النافذة..

تبعث برودة الجو فى جسدى قشعريرة..

تنتزعنى من تلك الذكرى للحظة.

دا عنيا دموعها

دموعها بتتكلم

يهتز المشهد أمامى،

عيناى تحاول إفراغ ما بجعبتها..

ولكن جفناى يعتصرهما ليحتفظا بما يجيش بصدرى.

لا أدرى لماذا أشعر بأن تلك المشاعر يجب أن تبقى داخلى..

أشعر لها بقيمة محببة وهى تصارع للخروج.

إنها ليست ملك لى وحدى.

خايف للغربة تحلى لك

والبعد يغير أحوالك

خلينى دايماً

دايماً على بالك

لأعوام طويلة أقتنعت بأننى تخلصت من كل شى،

تركته بركن بعيد من الذاكرة،

ركن مظلم..


ولكن هيهات،

هاهو يخرج مرة أخرى ليعصف بكيانى كله،

يعيد ما حدث كاملاً أمامى..

وكأنه بالأمس.

مهما كان بعدك هايطول

دا أنا قلبى عمره مايتحول

هافتكرك أكتر من الأول

بس أنت إياك..تبقى فاكرنى

كالحلم بدأ كل شىء،

وكالحلم انتهى..

ليتركنى للواقع القاحل.

فقط لحظات حالمة قصيرة،

لترتسم ابتسامة خفيفة سرعان ما تذبل وتختفى.

يامسافر وحدك


ليه تبعد عنى

ليه تبعد عنى..وتشغلنى

أغلق المذياع،

أطفىء نور المكتب و..


Monday, January 08, 2007

The p123 tag !

Why can't we ignore tags??
You try and try and the tag haunts you whenever u try to post any thing.
So finally, I surreneder!
elsede'3 tagged me, and the tag was: "Write down the three lines after the first five lines on page 123 from any book u're reading now"
I started this novel this winter and didn't find time to finish it, so...donno!

"... the portrait wondering at its beauty, almost enamoured of it, as it seemed to him at times. Was it to alter now with every mood to which he yielded? Was it to become a ..."

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

And I tag: hafsa, hoby, Reham.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Relief Valve !

1- Don't try to convince me with your bullshit...You know it's nonsense, so don't try to put logic into it.

2- Why get astonished for what a hooker does?...That's her job!

3- I'm dead calm like a rock...So don't insist on talking to me in this phase cause I'm either healing or about to explode.

4- Responsibility isn't pizza, you can't change the ingredients.

5- Can't think in other than "since/therefore" method...So either you're talking logic or just anything else…Just let me know before you start.

6- Define target (if any) before you begin a conversation, so you don't waste my time.

7- Ignorance alone is not a sin...Ignorance + arrogance is!

8- I won't despise you if you told me that you are filthy,…may be I'll hate you. So don't play gentleman cause I'll spit on you m****rf****r

9- You definitely know the difference between dealing with a cat and dealing with a dog. So how come you deal with all people in the same way.

10- This is reality, so deal with it and stop using "IF" word.

11- Don't blame me for the result… You're the one who gave me all the "givens".

12- To get the best performance, you have to manage.

13- It's ok with me if you're slow or lacking some qualities,...but when I find porn on your PC instead of work and you are playing the boss, sure I'm gonna kill you, you son of a b****.

14- When extremely sane people become maniacs, there's definitely something wrong...
"I guess this is pretty obvious."

15- You did a great job, and left me scars that disfigured me for the rest of my life.

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