Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Gentleman Dialogue

I want to end this relationship.
Let's have a closure.
I want Salvation.

I can understand this.
You've always been a decent gentleman.
Contrarily me..
Not Your type.

I know u hate me.
You are waiting for the time to attack,
To stab..
To take my life.

Listen to this sinfonia by mozart,
It's ur favourite.

I feel you awake in my sleep
torturing me with my evil deeds,
No, it's your evil deeds.
You like this game..
Making me mystified, obscured by the clouds of guilt..
Attacking me in my weak moments..
In my rage, sleep, happiness, depression.

It's been a long time since we danced together..
Just move with me, let me guide you.

It's more fun to You.
You don't want to just kill me.
You want to watch me tormented,
Watch me bleed..
Watch me howl with agony..
Watch me die.

One step to the right,
One step to the left,
So easy,turn and bow.

You want to rule.
I can see you ravelling my thoughts, so slow..
Ripping them from my memories,
Smashing my dreams,
Rattling inside my head,
Even dancing over ashes of my life..
Like a damned insane spanish dancer.

Oh, we love this one,
Serenata Nocturna..
Take my hand and follow.

Your same old technique..
Slowly dragging me through ur deranged path..
Till I'm finally lost.

Now can you feel the stabbing,
So soft and gentle.
Isn't it sweet?!

Damn you, I'm coming back to my senses
You are not real,
You are just in my head.

There's no way back.
We are dancing Bolero on the honour of ur sanity.

I won't lose it..
I don't want to dance,
Don't want to sleep,
Don't want to live or love,
Oh let me die.

Bleed You pathetic soul..
You are mine,
You were always mine, and forever will be.
You had your closure.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Empire

Far away..
At the end of nowhere,
Beyond the horizon,
There lies..
The hellish catacomb.
And at the dawn of Evil,
Lightening stroke the ground,
Thunder rattled, shaking the corpses of atrocity..
And the Necromancer appeared,
Dressed in his black cloak of death,
Black as a murky night,
Filling the air with gloom.
He raised his decayed clawed hand,
Carrying the book of the dead,
And read the spells with a horrible guttural voice.
Then from everywhere..
Creeping like pythons..
The Goblins clustered at his feet.
They faltered humbly..
Showing their slavery..
To the Master of The Dark Side.

And as the wind howled wickedly,
He bellowed furiously..
Ordering them to amok,
To accompany the Cavalry of Torture,
And exhume all the sinners.
Maliciously he laughed and screamed..
Evil must spread..
Pain must rule..
It's the Bloody Era..
Slaughter Innocense,
Shed the blood of Faith,
Bury virtue under the walls of our horrifying catacomb.

And when he finished his callous speech,
The Sun of death arised..
From the Abyss of hatred..
The Empire of the Necromancer.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My sweet depression!

To my sweet sweet depression..
You've been my friend, my mentor, my inspirer.
How can I live without you ?!
I can't stand losing you,
Don't leave me alone.
I can't stand the emptiness cold and scary..without you.
Yes I can see you, my pallid smile, in my empty eyes, in my dead dreams.
Stay with sickness and in health.
Damn you,... don't ever go away,
Stay with me..
Till you eventually kill me..
Oh my sweet sweet depression...I love you.

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