Got a Complaint in the System!
Well,…I hope that was the case, at least, one can be able to tolerate that. But what is unbearable is the OTHER standards for rating people, which by the way have nothing to do with being efficient or hardworking or even intelligent!
It’s being an ass kisser, being able to make a propaganda out of nothing, being able to not to work but still look like you do through making others get the job done. And hey,….you people who are shouting out there saying: “That’s not their fault, it’s other’s who get the job done and give them that opportunity”,....It’s not that easy!
You know why?!!
‘cause the system TOTALLY support this type of people: the blood sucking, filthy, insensitive, mother fucking creatures!!!
All that matters is looking great, getting the job done perfectly (doesn’t matter the essence of the job by the way) no matter the casualties or who did it and who did not participate.
Ok, even that one can try to tolerate and swallow it deep with bitterness, BUT…
When it comes to giving privileges to the non-working type and forgetting all about others who are working to the bone giving work the first priority over their personal interests and needs,…
When it comes to deprivation from lawful rights or offering the leftover or the rejected opportunities (that were refined over and over till no one wants to take them) as if it was some kind of special treatment,…
This is what I CANNOT STAND!