Saturday, May 12, 2007

These are not hallucinations! (part 2)

He was crawling up the wall with quick short steps, and every now and then he looked back at me with a wondering stare…
All I did was looking back at him with hate,…he was locked up there forever…
on the wall !

He said: "If you did not hold my hands now I won't hold yours forever"…
She cried and held his hands tight…
That was 20 years ago!!

It was 3 o'clock in the morning when I woke up feeling thirsty…
I got up to drink something,…that's when I found ME standing in the shade…staring…
I wonder what I had in mind back then!

So I took a side step and continued walking,…took a deep breath and closed my eyes,…
I listened to the roaring engine coming from behind and passing by…
I guess one step was a little far from the middle of the road.

The plan was so simple…
I'll poison him gradually and I'll watch him feeling sick everyday, not knowing the cause of his illness…
The idea was so relieving!

It's been a habit now…
I have five unfinished paintings,…and I'm starting a new one!

We kept talking for six hours though we had never talked or seen each other before.
I didn't see her and we've never talked since then!

I used to get him his glasses in the dark,…I run as fast as I can, get the glasses, make scary faces in the mirror, then run back to him shivering…
Is that normal for a 7 years old boy?!!

The painting was supposed to be decorative, and it was,…till I found out one day that I drew the scariest face ever,…so I took it off the wall and didn't look at it for about a year.
I didn't intend to draw that face,…did I ?!!


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