The carousel is spinning,
A cup of coffee,
A picture that stands still.
Just a deja vu of a name..
engraved on a piece of wood.
Lots of things I see in the shade
A flickering candle,
A moving curtain,
A little boy with a smile..
marked on his dead face.
An old note I wrote before
Pencil marks have such a style
A cigarette burn,
blood on my sleeve,
With shaking hands I picked a knife.
I can see you standing there..
still like last time we met,
same smile upon your face.
A memory, a dream, a nightmare
I just failed to win your hatred.
You are sick
Though he knows it well,
A fact that seemed so logic and sane,
Just hearing it..
feels like cutting through your flesh.
مش معقولة انت لا تتواني عن خضي بصورك المخيفة
A little boy with a smile..
marked on his dead face
يعني صورة طفل صغير بيضحك مش حتجيب غير كل شعور بالبراءة و السلام
تيجي بعدها تربكلي كل معتقداتي الادبية و ترهق ذهني في تصور حاجة جديدة و يطلع ميت
Death, Blood, insanity, madness, cuts, bruises and freaking hatred
what else !!!!
Ur the master in those bloody dark thoughts and poems too
The poem is hard to imagine , trying to put those images beside each other.
Adore the poem nd now i know why that background of yours
The thing with your poems and writings in general is that you draw a very vivid picture of the whole thing... so while reading it feels like a movie is playing in my head.. or rather scenes..
"carousel is spinning".."deja vu of a name"... "little boy..his dead face"... "old note"... "still like last time.."..." a memory"... it's like looking at a rear view mirror with all things of the past reflected in it.. or maybe just a mirror! i'm just babbling.. i like this one!
I didn't say he's literally dead!:)
And u can't read happy stuff all the time. It's sometimes boring!
What did u know exactly ?!!
It's somewhat how I imagine it in the first place.
thank u :) The idea of the mirror is a little bit freaky, but possible!
"Rolling eyes"
Bloody background !!
It reminds of the blodd ballad the mexicas used to sing about I believe it is called "narcocarrido" an amazing poem two thumbs up
I just noticed that we both have the same favourite movies.. on your profile i mean
thx :)
yeah, I adore them, and never get bored from watching them again and again :)
So that's make me right or just wrong guess !!
u r right!
ur words extracted the sense of killing inside me
i am gonna hold a knife and kill a katkoot:D
wont u change those bloody stories:@
i think there are more nice things to talk about
i am scared!!!
yeah, there're lots of nice things, but I like this atmosphere!
mash2 allah y3ny all of your visitoers are females aih ya ebny dah ana 3uiza agy mara we ashof ragel :P
enama aih elpoem ely may3lam bih ela rabna dah msh kifia swdawia we ko2obos we akt2qab ba2a abos edak ar7mny we aktb mara 3n a7tflat october 3n 3id el7ob 3n 3id elfala7 3n 3id elmilad 3n ay haga 3dla
shamem re7et 2e3terad, wede zahera mosh kwaysa ana mela7ezha weha2dy 3aleeha kareeban,..2entazeroony!
hey, just checking on u, it has been a while since ur last post.
Hope everything is fine with u.
thx :)
everything is ok. vivid..that I trembled while touching the knife, saw that angelic pale face of a child..and felt the drops of blood!
God..when will you write something about happy feelings for a change rather than reminding us each and every time of our pain?!
i really liked this one.. so deep and vived that i've even seen it in my head...
Lots of things I see in the shade
A flickering candle,
A moving curtain,
A little boy with a smile..
marked on his dead face.
...although i like this mood alot but i have to join the voice calling for u to come out of these dark thoughts even for once ... can't wait to read something cheerfull .. if u can ya3ny :pp
salam :)))))))
There must be someone who takes that burden of reminding u with ur pain,...
and I volunteered :)
glad u liked it!
Objections r rising, and this won't lead to a happy ending :)
Dude I love your clever assonant use of c …awsome
like the poem
thx man :)
the lonely twin..
glad u liked it :)
It's "bloody" nice...
maxxed' out..
thx :)
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