Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Abyss

After all this time you've been searching,
Crossing oceans of memories and thoughts,
Passing dead and forgotten fears,
Struggling with falls of sadness,
You've finally arrived.
You've finally reached your aim.
The target you've never wanted to find.
The gloomy abyss you've always feared to see in your worst nightmares.

You are just one step closer.
One step closer to the door of your own Pandora's box,
And there's no choice.
You can't leave.
You can't go back.
You can't sleep in peace anymore.

Just one step closer...
To your most dreadful nightmare,
To your haunted dark cave,
The one you always knew it was there..
Inside you,
But you've never dared to come closer.

Now, you have to decide...
A useless decision.
Step inside and face your dreadful end,
Embrace horror,
Breathe your frightful memories,
Or just stay outside.

Stay there...
One step closer..
And keep waiting for the unknown,
For the evil monsters of your mind,
For the hungry ,
With Scars on their face,
The scars you did by your own bare hands.

Wait outside...
For the pure evil to evolve,
Creeping on the walls of the abyss,
Climbing slowly..

Wait outside...
And hear its claws scratching the walls of the ditch,
Hungry for your filthy flesh,
Thirsty for your rotten blood,
Seeking for your evil soul..
To take it there..
Deep inside.

Wait outside...
Torn within.
Just one step closer,
To your end,
To the beginning of torture,
To nowhere,
To everywhere,
One step closer my friend..
To the scum of your mind.


Blogger Elsede3' said...

the scum of my mind, cuz the most fearful enemy of all times is simply urself...
but will u win if u faced urself???
mayb that's why i try to avoid such situation
gr8 work my friend

July 13, 2006 at 8:20 PM  
Blogger Maat said...

i've always believed that once you hit the abyss, there's no way from there but to go up again. i dont believe in rotting in the abyss!!! soooo.....if you have to go all the way down to go back up.....i dont know this is twisted. actually if u'r only one step behind, then it shouldnt be so twisted, i say go there my friend, just dont dwell.

shakly keda 3aket el donia, anyway hope u'r not the type of guy who takes advice from weirdo strangers :)

July 14, 2006 at 3:41 PM  
Blogger hurricane_x said...

well, actually maat it's hesitation>
u dread what's inside, so u can enter and face the unknown however ugly it is, or just wait on the edge for ur nightmares to evolve.
2elmawdoo3 ka2eeb 2wy 3alafekra :)
anyway, thx for the advice :)

July 15, 2006 at 8:24 PM  

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